Saya telah mulai secara aktif mengundang orang untuk tidak hanya dalam mata uang kripto tetapi juga bentuk perdagangan dan investasi lainnya. Pengalaman saya dengan Generasi Z dan rekan-rekan Milenial saya adalah bahwa mereka sangat semangat untuk mencoba. Jika mereka tidak mau mencoba, antara mereka tidak punya uang, atau mereka benar-benar tidak tertarik, dan alasan tersebut itu umum yang boleh dibilang oleh siapa saja. Namun, pengalaman saya dengan generasi yang lebih tua, baby boomer dan di atasnya adalah bahwa mereka memiliki kesalahpahaman. Benar bahwa ada orang-orang seperti Warren Buffet yang tidak percaya pada masa depan mata uang kripto karena mereka percaya bahwa itu tidak memiliki aset dasar dll tetapi ini bukan kesalahpahaman yang saya bicarakan. Ada beberapa yang percaya pada masa depannya, dan banyak yang tidak peduli tetapi berpikiran terbuka tetapi mereka takut untuk terjun tidak hanya ke mata uang kripto tetapi juga semua bentuk perdagangan dan investasi lainnya. Kesalahpahaman tentang Minimum TransaksiDulu, banyak broker mengharuskan kita untuk membeli minimal 1 Lot (perdagangan sekuritas), tapi apa itu 1 Lot?
Jika 1 Lot benar-benar minimum, maka membeli saham Apple membutuhkan minimal $14860 (Rp 211 314 401) karena harganya $148,6 per saham dan 1 Lot = 100 lembar = $148,6 * 100 = $14860. Saya pernah didekati oleh seorang salesman broker untuk berinvestasi di General Motors Company (GM) dan saya pikir saya hanya membutuhkan $50 tetapi kemudian mereka mengatakan bahwa minimumnya adalah $5000 ( yang membuat saya sangat terkejut. Ternyata minimal investasi mereka adalah 1 Lot yaitu 100 lembar saham. $5000 (Rp 711 017 50) mungkin kecil untuk negara maju tetapi ketahuilah bahwa di negara berkembang, gaji rata-rata adalah Rp 3 juta per bulan yang membutuhkan waktu lebih dari 2 tahun untuk mendapatkan Rp 700 jutaan. Jumlah minimum untuk membeli saham lokal di negara saya juga 1 Lot yaitu 100 lembar. Namun harga saham di Indonesia tidak semahal di Amerika Serikat (AS) dimana salah satu saham yang mahal adalah Gudang Garam Tbk (GGRM), sebuah perusahaan rokok dengan saham Rp 31975 ($2.23) dan 1 Lot membutuhkan Rp 31975 * 100 = Rp 3 197 500. Saham yang saya beli rata-rata seharga Rp 50 per lembar (¢0,35) dimana 1 Lot hanya Rp 5000. Rata-rata Lot untuk Obligasi sangat mirip dengan sertifikat deposito di negara saya di mana minimal Rp 10 juta. Dengan pengetahuan masa lalu di atas, generasi yang lebih tua memiliki kesalahpahaman tentang perlunya membeli seluruh Bitcoin. Pertama kali saya menunjukkan harga kepada mereka, tanggapan langsung mereka adalah "wih Rp 700 juta, itu sangat mahal, saya tidak punya Rp 700 juta" diikuti oleh "rekan-rekan saya berinvestasi di saham dan kehilangan rumah mereka". Ketakutan masa lalu telah mencegah mereka untuk mengenal mata uang kripto dan perdagangan serta investasi lainnya. Namun, waktu berubah, saya mencoba berdagang valas dan saya dapat berdagang 0,01 Lot di mana masih, $100000/100=$1000 itu mahal tetapi ada Opsi di mana saya hanya dapat menggunakan $10 tetapi tentu saja berisiko likuidasi jika saya salah berdagang. Sekarang ada reksa dana bagi siapa saja untuk mulai berinvestasi hanya dengan minimal Rp 10 ribu dan dapat meminta penarikan kapan saja tidak seperti sertifikat deposito dengan kunci berbulan-bulan. Benar bahwa berinvestasi di obligasi pemerintah dapat mengunci dana kita selama lebih dari satu tahun, tetapi jumlah minimum di negara saya telah sangat menurun yaitu hanya Rp 1 juta. Sekarang untuk Bitcoin, kita dapat membeli sedikitnya Rp 100 ribu di mana faktanya kita dapat membeli sebagian kecil dari mata uang kripto apa pun, tetapi tetap saja, ada batasan yang disebabkan oleh:
Berdagang emas tidak hanya kita dapat membeli secara fisik tetapi ada penyedia yang memungkinkan kita untuk membeli secara digital dan dalam pecahan juga di mana kita dapat memulai hanya dengan Rp 100 perak. Caranya lebih seperti cicilan dimana jika investasi kita mencapai 1 gram, kita bisa mengklaim emas secara fisik. Tetapi option trading dalam aplikasi forex berbeda dimana minimumnya adalah 0,01 Lot untuk trading emas. Kesalahpahaman Setoran MinimumSeperti salesman yang mendekati saya membutuhkan minimal 1 Lot yaitu $5000 untuk berinvestasi di motor umum, broker, perdagangan, dan perusahaan investasi saat itu mungkin memerlukan deposit minimal tidak kurang dari jumlah sertifikat deposito yaitu Rp 10 juta. Rp 10 juta di negara berkembang adalah uang yang banyak dimana harus diulang lagi bahwa gaji rata-rata adalah Rp 3 juta per bulan yang belum termasuk biaya hidup. Perdagangan dan investasi adalah permainan orang kaya pada masa kecil saya. Namun di usia ini, berbeda. Setoran minimum perusahaan modern hanya dibatasi oleh jumlah minimum transfer bank rekening bisnis yaitu Rp 50 ribu sekitar $3,5 di negara saya. Hari ini, hanya minimal Rp 50 ribu tidak hanya di bursa mata uang kripto tetapi juga di banyak reksa dana seperti Bibit dan sekuritas saham seperti di Ajaib. Selain setoran minimum, faktor berikutnya yang membatasi jumlah minimum investasi adalah jumlah minimum perdagangan. Jumlahnya berbeda untuk setiap aset, di Tokocrypto, saya menemukan bahwa minimum untuk berdagang Bitcoin adalah Rp 20 ribu sekitar $1,4, dan Indodax Rp 10 ribu. Oleh karena itu, investasi minimum di sana adalah Rp 50 ribu karena itu adalah jumlah minimum untuk disetor. Mirrors
I have begun actively invite people to not only in cryptocurrency but other forms of trades and investments as well. My experience with Generation Z and my fellow Millenials is that they are eager to try. If they do not want to try, are either they do not have any money to spare or they are really not interested which are general reasons that can apply for anybody. However, my experience with older generations, baby boomers and above is that they have a misconception. True that there are people like Warren Buffet who does not believe in the future of cryptocurrency because they believe that it does not have underlying asset etc but this is not the misconception that I am talking about. There are few who believes in its future, and many who does not care but are open minded but they are scared to dive not only into cryptocurrency but all other forms of trades and investments as well. The Misconception of Minimum TransactionIn the past, many brokers requires us to purchase a minimum of 1 Lot (securities trading), but what is 1 Lot?
If 1 Lot is really the minimum, then buying Apple stock requires a minimum of $14860 because the price is $148.6 per shares and 1 Lot = 100 shares = $148.6 * 100 = $14860. I was once approached by a salesman of a broker to invest in General Motors Company (GM) and I thought I only needed $50 but then they said the minimum is $5000 that made me very shocked. It turns out that their minimum investment is 1 Lot which is 100 shares. $5000 maybe small for developed countries but know this that in developing countries, the average salary is $250 a month which takes more than 2 years to get $5000. The minimum amount to buy local stocks in my country is also 1 Lot which is 100 shares. However, stocks in Indonesia are not as expensive in United States (US) where one of the expensive stocks is Gudang Garam Tbk (GGRM), a cigarette company with a share of Rp 31975 ($2.23) and 1 Lot requires $2.23 * 100 = $223. The stocks that I bought in average costs Rp 50 per shares (¢0.35) where 1 Lot is only $3.5. The average Lots for Bonds is quite similar to certificate of deposit in my country where a minimum of $1000. With the past knowledge above, older generations have a misconception of needing to buy a whole Bitcoin. The first time I showed the price to them, their immediate respond was "wow $50000, that is very expensive, I do not have $50000" followed by "my friends invests in stocks and lost their houses". The past fears already prevented them from even getting to know cryptocurrencies and other trades and investments. However, time changes, I tried trading forex and I can trade 0.01 Lot where still, $100000/100=$1000 is expensive but there are Options where I can just use $10 but of course risks liquidation if I trade wrongly. There are now mutual funds for anyone to start investing with only minimum of $1 and can request withdrawal anytime unlike certificate of deposits with months of locks. True that investing in government bonds can lock our funds for more than a year but the minimum in my country have greatly decreased which is just $100. Now for Bitcoin, we can buy as little as $10 where the fact is that we can buy a fraction of any cryptocurrency, but still, there are limitations caused by:
Trading gold not only we can buy physically but there are providers that allows us to buy digitally and in fractions as well where we can start as little as $1. The method is more like an installment where if our investment reaches 1 gram, we can claim the gold physically. Though option trading in forex applications are different where the minimum is 0.01 Lot for trading gold. The Misconception of Minimum DepositLike the salesman who approached me requires minimum of 1 Lot which is $5000 to invest in general motors, brokers, trading, and investment firms back then probably requires a minimum deposit of not less than the amount for certificate of deposits which is $1000. $1000 in developing countries is a lot of money where to repeat again that the average salary is $250 a month which have not include living cost. Trading and investing are games of the rich during my childhood days. However in this age, is different. The minimum deposit of modern firms are only limited by the business account bank transfer minimum amount which is Rp 50000 around $3.5 in my country. Today, just minimum of $3.5 not only in cryptocurrency exchanges but in many mutual funds and stock brokers as well. Other than minimum deposit, the next factor the limits the minimum amount of investment is the minimum amount of trade. The amount is different for each assets but in one my local exchange Tokocrypto, I found that the minimum to trade Bitcoin is Rp 20000 around $1.4. Therefore the minimum investment there is $3.5 because that is minimum amount to deposit. Australian Dollar / Canadian Dollar (AUD/CAD)The trend is bullish but kept rejecting in the supply area and if it breaks the trend line may potentially form a head and shoulders pattern which is bearish. Australian Dollar / Swiss Franc (AUD/CHF)The overall trend is bearish while there should be some classic chart patterns but there more visible on shorter time frame. Australian Dollar / Japanese Yen (AUD/JPY)While the swings are far from ideal in showing a max bullish Gartley harmonic pattern but the possibility is always there. Australian Dollar / New Zealand Dollar (AUD/NZD)The price is nearing the demand area which can be a good idea to start looking for a long position although the classic chart pattern is descending triangle which can go either ways. Canadian Dollar / Swiss Franc (CAD/CHF)The price is really just going sideways and expect to continue in the future. Canadian Dollar / Japanese Yen (CAD/JPY)The was a clear bullish flag but the question is, is it finished? If yes, then expect short term bearish price. This estimation is supported by a potential double top and rectangle classic chart pattern. Swiss Franc / Japanese Yen (CHF/JPY)Here is an example where many traders will think that there was a head and shoulder but it did not go down either we mis analyze or the classic chart pattern really failed. As for current trend, it is sideways. I'm not sure but it looks like a rectangle pattern and the question is will it break above or not? Euro / Australian Dollar (EUR/AUD)Shorter time frame is a bearish trend but longer time frame is still bullish. There are many bullish potential classic chart patterns which are bullish flag and cup & handle. Except for rectangle that go either way. Euro / Canadian Dollar (EUR/CAD)If the price does not return above the trend line, then it can be either a trend adjustment or a reversal to bearish trend if it keeps rejecting below the trend line. I did not see it back then, but the whole chart looks like an ascending triangle classic chart pattern. I already open a short position few weeks ago and will see where it will lead. Euro / Swiss Franc (EUR/CHF)Looks like forming a head and shoulders classic chart pattern but the price is near the demand area where we should look for a long position. Maybe it will touch the bottom of demand area if a head and shoulders is really forming before bouncing. If break above, then it will not form a head and shoulders pattern. Euro / Great British Pound (EUR/GBP)The shorter time frame shows a rectangle classic chart pattern but there is a possibility that the longer time frame formed a bearish new cypher harmonic pattern although the swing is not ideal. Euro / Japanese Yen (EUR/JPY)Now this is a bearish max bat harmonic pattern that may never happen or even if it may happen then it will take many months even over a year for it to form. Euro / New Zealand Dollar (EUR/NZD)If the price continues the pattern then it may form a bearish flag classic chart pattern but ofcourse the pattern may change. Great British Pound / Australian Dollar (GBP/AUD)Like EURJPY, the max bearish Gartley harmonic pattern may never happen or even if it may happen then it will take many months even over a year for it to form. Great British Pound / Canadian Dollar (GBP/CAD)Longer time frame seems to be a descending but inside it seems to be a reverse head and shoulders formed but it can fail. Great British Pound / Swiss Franc (GBP/CHF)The price broke the bearish trend and the stochastic oscillator shows a bullish divergence. Great British Pound / Japanese Yen (GBP/JPY)Either it will break above or form a double top classic chart pattern Great British Pound / New Zealand Dollar (GBP/NZD)The trend is bullish but be careful of head and shoulders classic chart pattern. New Zealand Dollar / Canadian Dollar (NZD/CAD)Will it continue the bullish flag pattern or the rectangle pattern? New Zealand Dollar / Swiss Franc (NZD/CHF)Here's an example where a cup and handle classic chart pattern failed. New Zealand Dollar / Japanese Yen (NZD/JPY)Will it break above or form a bearish new cypher harmonic pattern? Not Financial Advice Rules
A mini mp3 player is a portable device to store and play electronic music files. With smartphones nowadays, many people no longer see a reason to get a mini MPEG-3 (mp3) player as smartphones have not only the same function and portability but even many more. However, some reasons still exist for people to own an mp3 player. First, mini mp3 players are much smaller than any mobile phones for those who likes to carry as little as possible and second, it is a good storage and utility for those who happens to have many mini secure digital (SD) cards. Mirrors
NoteThis is my script for English speaking practice during my International English Language Testing System (IELTS) course few decades ago. This assignment has never been published anywhere and I, as the author and copyright holder, license this assignment customized CC-BY-SA where anyone can share, copy, republish, and sell on condition to state my name as the author and notify that the original and open version available here. Part 1What do you like about your how town/city? [Why?]What I like most about my home city is there are still lots of green areas. There are still places with lots of trees, lots of plants, grasses, still looks natural and beautiful. These places gives me comfort, I feel at peace. By the way my home is in Bali. Is your home town/city a popular place for tourists to visit? [Why?/Why not?]Ofcourse it is, who doesn't know Bali? When I asked most tourist whether they knew of Indonesia they do not know at all, but when I asked about Bali they knew right away. Ironic isn't it? Bali is part of Indonesia yet Bali is more famous then the country itself. Has your home town/city changed much in recent years? [How?]It changes so much since I returned here. There are buildings now, the local government and its people are trying to make the province more modernize. Back then, there are lots of farms and empty lands available. Let's talk about free time now.How much free time do you normally have? [Why/Why not?]I can't say because it's really random, if you graph it with normal distribution it'll be a very curve graph. I could say is back then there were almost no free time, what's worst is I didn't knew what I was gonna do back then. Almost everyday there are friends, teachers, or any type of clients asking for my help, I don't even have time to focus on my studies. That's why I'm late in graduating now. What do you like doing best in your free time? [Why?]I practice martial art, I enjoy fighting. If not I'll escape to a dream world by watching movies, usually Animes, reading comics or mangas, finally what I did most is playing video games where I'm in my own world and be able to do anything I like. It's a great place to escape harsh reality. Have your leisure activities changed much since you were young? [Why/Why not?]It changes drastically, I usually have all the time in the world, now there are lots of request from people and I don't get to do what I want. If you had more free time, how would you spend it? [Why?]I'd use it to pursue my real dream, my real goal. Just a glimpse I want to explore all around the world, experience many interesting events, and fight many battles. Let's talk about photos now.How often do you take photos? [Why/Why not?]Sometimes I took a lot, sometimes I don't take at all, depending whether there are interesting stuff happening. Do you prefer taking photos of people or places? [Why?]None of them I prefer, it's whether they are interesting or not. What do you do with the photos you take? [Why/Why not?]I saved them in my media storage, if I judged that they're worthy I'll upload them to social media. Do you think the way people take photos is changing? [Why/Why not?]Without a doubt, it is changing. Back then only certain people possessed cameras and knew how to use them. Today with the advance of technology everyone can afford a camera, even cell phones includes camera in them, and because of the advance features we don't need training to use it. Part 2Describe a situation when someone that you didn't know helped you. You should say: What the situation was, when and where it happened, how the person helped you. Explain how you felt in that situation.It all started on my last holiday a few months ago. First I was panning to spend my time training martial arts in the mountain. But it seem my parents have a different plan for me. They applied for a match making couple event. Their reason was it's because it's a first time event and it's a promo. Well they're always like. The place was called Koibana Onsen, it is a beautiful hotspring with soothing aroma. When I reached there were lots of handsome guys, and so many pretty girls too. I was excited and I think I might be able to pull this off. I was mistaken the staff told the number of guys was odd, I'm an extra since I recently applied, I applied after they organized the event. It's alright though I'll just enjoy the view. The event started and everyone paired up, I did spoke to lots people but in the end I chose to give them their private time. Honestly I was jealous and I couldn't take so I went straight to hill and gazed at the horizon. Then someone came to me. It was one of the staff she's a pretty girl. She asked me that I could've canceled it out, I told her that my parents applied for me and I have no idea in the first place. I said that it's okay, I'll just enjoy show. She offered to take a tour of the place with her instead. We looked around I find the place interesting because it's design for couples to rejuvenate themselves. On dinner I asked everyone whether they have a good time, ofcourse they did. Some of them said of how unfortunate I was. I want to talked with them even longer but looks like it has already been design for a romantic dinner. So the tables are for 2 people. In the end I'm in a table alone. I was bored and fired up, so I took lots and lots of food to my table and it them savagely. I said to everyone else I'm training to eat fast, actually I was hurt deep inside. Then she came again asked me whether she could join the dinner. I then eat normally and listen to her story of this event. The place was first designed to refresh a couple, this event is new to see whether it could make a couple. That's what I learned from her stories. After dinner it was free private time. I've got no one to go out with. I sat alone in the park. She came again said she felt sorry for me. I said I was used to it, it's alway like this and told her I never have girlfriend in my entire life. She said that she could be my partner for this event. I said no need to force it. The she told me she was jealous and tired that only the customers are having fun while she has to work all the time, she too was always alone. I kinda understand her, I always work hard but didn't take time for social activities, instead I volunteer to work more so that my friends can go on a date. Looks like she was the same so I accept her. The next I was able to enjoy the event like other applicants, the other staff agree to let her be my partner. That's how she helped me, she saved me from the world of solitude. After that I often visit her and take part time as well. And that's is that, this is a made up story, I got the inspiration from manga Koibana Onsen. This had never happened in my life before, instead it's my hope. Today I'm still in the world of solitude. Part 3What kinds of things can children do to help in the home?They can help with house works, and some chores. If not, by learning to do something new could also help, it'll be useful in the future. Learning computers for example, they could help manage the computers later on. How can children best learn to be helpful to others?One of the best ways is to give an example and let them follow. To teach them the importance of helping others is not to spoil them and let them experience harshness of life. People likely to grow sympathy if they understand how hard life is, people learn to be kind once they know pain, I think it includes children too. In what ways can schools encourage children to help the community?Field excursion, by going straight to the field and show them. What types of voluntary work are most popular in your country?Truly I don't know, but the current trend is in politics. Now people like to help with the current president election. As for me I mostly organize events, conference, and workshops. Do all age groups take part in voluntary work?I don't know, usually teenagers above. Kids usually go out and play. How can individuals benefit from doing voluntary work?In my opinion, it's experience. For example there are 2 types of people 1 is those who haven't done voluntary work yet and the other 1 has applied for a job. The 1st type would likely make more mistake and take more time to learn of the job, while the other one would likely make less mistake and take less time. Why? Because the 2nd already learn from their mistake in their voluntary work, since they already have experience they don't need to learn anymore. In what ways can voluntary work improve life for the community?More jobs are done and lessen the burden, plus we could establish more links the simple word make more friends. Most things are easier and fun to do with friends. Will History Repeats Itself?Grab The Airdrop Before It Runs Out!AMM DEX with Yield FarmingADA LaunchpadNFT MarketplaceReferral ProgramMirrors
NoteThis is my undergraduate assignment in the Telecommunications Network course which creates a short description of IPTV obtained from that I translated to English myself. This work has never been published and I as the author and copyright holder of this work adapted CC-BY-SA where anyone may share, share, republish and sell it provided to state my name as the author and notify that the original and open version is available here . Content From The Past DecadeTV works by broadcasting live through the media (cable, etc.) or without the media (electromagnetic waves) that are captured by the antenna, while IPTV (Internet Protocol Television) works through the Internet network. Broadcasts can also be watched from media other than on TV, such as; computers, laptops, netbooks, ipads, cellphones and others. On Internet TV there are 2 types of broadcasts:
There were 3 types of services at that time on Internet TV:
The way Internet TV works is how the Internet network works:
CatatanIni merupakan tugas S1 saya di mata kuliah Jaringan Telekomunikasi dimana tugasnya adalah menulis deskripsi singkat mengenai IPTV yang diperoleh dari Tugas ini tidak pernah dipublikasi dimanapun dan saya sebagai penulis dan pemegang hak cipta melisensi tugas ini customized CC-BY-SA dimana siapa saja boleh membagi, menyalin, mempublikasi ulang, dan menjualnya dengan syarat mencatumkan nama saya sebagai penulis dan memberitahu bahwa versi asli dan terbuka tersedia disini. Isi Tugas Dekade LaluTV bekerja dengan siaran langsung baik melewati media (cable, dll) atau tanpa media (gelombang elektromagnetik) yang ditangkap dengan atenna. Sedangkan IPTV (Internet Protocol Television) melewati jaringan Internet. Siaran dapat disaksi selain di TV, seperti; computer, laptop, netbook, ipad, handphone dan lain-lain. Pada TV Internet ada 2 macam tipe siaran:
Ada 3 jenis layanan saat itu pada TV Internet:
Cara kerja TV Internet adalah cara kerja jaringan internet:
August 2022
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