NoteThis is a collection of my undergraduate assignments that I translated to English myself in the Basic Electrical Power Engineering course. This assignment has never been published anywhere and I, as the author and copyright holder, license this assignment customized CC-BY-SA where anyone can share, copy, republish, and sell on condition to state my name as the author and notify that the original and open version available here. General Electric Energy Supply ProcessElectrical ConversionConversion in the field of electric power is the conversion from other energy to electrical energy. This conversion is usually used to generate electricity, producing this electricity is called a generator, in other words as a producer. Here are example sources of electrical energy: Hydroelectric Power Plant, Steam Power Plant, Nuclear Power Plant, Gas Power Plant, and Diesel Power Plant. Other generators include: Solar Power, Wind Power, Chemical Reactions, Geothermal Energy and others. Nuclear Energy etc → Reactor Converter etc → Alternate → Transformer Step Up; Reactor Converter etc → Generate Electric TransmissionElectric transmission is the process of sending electricity. The delivery goes through the power grid. Step-Up Transformer → High Voltage Network → Step-Down Transformer → Medium Voltage Network → Factory Electricity DistributionElectricity distribution is the process of sharing electricity to consumers. Medium Voltage Network → Step-Down Transformer → Low Voltage Network → Consumer Basic TheoriesOhm LawOhm law: V=IR, V = voltage (volt), I = current (ampere), R = resistance (ohm). Inverter, Rectifier, UPSTransformatorTransformers are devices for changing the voltage. The step-down transformer lowers the voltage while the step-up transformer increases the voltage. Magnetic FielddH = (IdI x aR)/(4πR2)(A/m), H = ∮(IdI x aR)/(4πR2) I = current (A), dl = length, aR = vector, R = vector length. Magnetic Field Flux B = dΦ/ds = μH, Φ = ∮Bds B = magnetic field flux density (weber/area), Φ=magnetic field flux (weber), ds = area (m2), H = magnetic field strength (A/m) Direct Current Generator Working PrincipleThe working principle of a direct current generator is based on Faraday's law: e = -N dΦ/dt Where, N: number of turns, Φ: magnetic flux, e: induced voltage, emf (electromotive force). The commutator functions as a switch. The commutator is in the form of a split ring attached to the end of the anchor. When the anchor rotates, the ring will rotate. When the coil has rotated half a turn, the brush will close the ring gap so that the voltage becomes zero. Because the ring continues to rotate, the gap will open again and create tension again. If the voltage period is the same as the ring rotation period, the voltage that arises is the full wave direct current voltage. Types of Direct Current Generators Viewed from its Field WindingSelf-Strengthening GeneratorCompoundSome ExercisesIsh = 600V/75Ω = 8A, I = 300000W/600V = 500A, Ia = Ish+I = 8A+500A = 508A ∆Vtotal = ∆V+∆Va = Ia R+Ia Ra = Ia (R+Ra) = 508A(0.03Ω+0.02Ω) = 25.4V emfV = V+∆Vtotal = 600V+20.4V = 625.4V emfP = (emfV)(Ia) = (625.4V)(508A) = 317703.2W 2. Transformer 1ɸ is given a 50 Hz supply step down 2200 V → 250 V with an area of 36 cm2 and a flux density of 6 wb/m2, look for the primary and secondary windings. Known: f = 50 Hz E1 = 2200 V E2 = 250 V A = 0.0036 m2 Bm = 6 wb/m2 Asked: N1 and N2 Answer Φm = (Bm)(A)=(6 wb/m2)(0.0036 m2) = 0.0216 wb E = (4.44)(f)(N)(Φm) = (4.44)(f)(N)(Bm)(A) Primary Winding = E1/((4.44)(f)(Φm)) = 2200/((4.44)(50 Hz)(0.0216 wb)) = 458.79 Secondary Winding = E2/((4.44)(f)(Φm)) = 250/((4.44)(50 Hz)(0.0216 wb)) = 52.135 3. The power of the transformer 1ɸ is 25 KVI, the primary winding is 500, the secondary winding is 50, the primary winding is connected to a voltage of 3000 V with a frequency of 50 Hz. Find the load currents in the primary and secondary winding, secondary emf and maximum flux. (ignore the drop voltage) Known P = 25 VI N1 = 500 N2 = 50 E1 = 3000 V f = 50 Hz Asked I1, I2, E2 and Φm Answer E = (4.44)(f)(N)(Φm) = (4.44)(f)(N)(Bm)(A) Φm = (4.44)(f)(N1)/E1 = (4.44)(50 Hz)(500)/(3000 V) = 37 wb E2/E1 = (4.44)(f)(N2)(Φm)/(4.44)(f)(N1)(Φm) = N2/N1 E2=N2/N1 E1 = 500/50 3000 V = 30000V P=(V)(I) I1 = P/E1 = (25 W)/(3000 V) = 8.3mA I2 = P/E2 = (25 W)/(30000 V) = 0.83mA
CatatanIni merupakan kumpulan tugas-tugas S1 saya di mata kuliah Dasar Teknik Tenaga Listrik. Tugas ini tidak pernah dipublikasi dimanapun dan saya sebagai penulis dan pemegang hak cipta melisensi tugas ini customized CC-BY-SA dimana siapa saja boleh membagi, menyalin, mempublikasi ulang, dan menjualnya dengan syarat mencatumkan nama saya sebagai penulis dan memberitahu bahwa versi asli dan terbuka tersedia disini. Proses Pengadaan Energi Listrik Secara UmumKonversi ListrikKonversi dalam bidang tenaga listrik adalah konversi dari energi lain ke energi listrik. Konversi ini biasanya dipakai dalam menghasilkan listrik, penghasil listrik ini disebut pembangkit. Dengan kata lain sebagai produsen. Sebagai sumber energi listrik yang sudah resmi antara lain: PLTA (Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Air), PLTU (Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Uap), PLTN (Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Nuklir), PLTG (Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Gas), PLTD (Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Diesel) dan lain-lain. Pembangkit lain antara lain: Tenaga Surya, Tenaga Angin, Reaksi Kimia, Panas Bumi dan lain-lain. Energi Nuklir dll → Converter Reaktor dll → Alternate → Transformator Step Up; Converter Reaktor dll → Generate Transmisi ListrikTransmisi listrik adalah proses pengiriman listrik. Pengiriman melewati jaringan listrik. Transformator Step-Up → Jaringan Tegangan Tinggi → Transformator Step-Down → Jaringan Tegangan Menengah → Pabrik Distribusi ListrikDistribusi listrik adalah proses pembagian listrik kepada konsumen. Jaringan Tegangan Menengah → Transformator Step-Down → Jaringan Tegangan Rendah → Konsumen Teori-Teori DasarHukum OhmHukum ohm: V=IR, V = tegangan (volt), I = arus (ampere), R = hambatan (ohm). Inverter, Rectifier, UPSTrafo (Transformator)Transformator (trafo) adalah alat untuk mengubah tegangan. Trafo step-down menurunkan tegangan sedangan trafo step-up meningkatkan tegangan. Magnetic FielddH = (IdI x aR)/(4πR2)(A/m), H = ∮(IdI x aR)/(4πR2) I = arus (A), dl = panjang, aR = vektor, R = panjang vektor. Flux Medan Magnet B = dΦ/ds = μH, Φ = ∮Bds B = kerapatan flux medan magnet (weber/area), Φ=flux medan magnet (weber), ds = luar area (m2), H = kuat medan magnet (A/m) Prinsip Kerja Generator Arus SearahPrinsip kerja suatu generator arus searah berdasarkan hukum Faraday: e = -N dΦ/dt Dimana, N: jumlah lilitan, Φ: fluksi magnet, e: Tegangan imbas, ggl(gaya gerak listrik). Komutator berfungsi sebagai saklar. Komutator berupa cicin belah yang dipasang pada ujung jangkar. Bila jangkar berputar maka cincin akan berputar. Bila kumparan telah berputar setengah putaran, sikat akan menutup celah cincin sehingga tegangan menjadi nol. Karena cincin berputar terus, maka celah akan terbuka lagi dan timbul tegangan lagi. Bila perioda tegangan sama dengan perioda perputaran cincin, tegangan yang timbul adalah tegangan arus searah gelombang penuh. Jenis-Jenis Generator Arus Searah Dilihat Dari Belitan MedannyaGenerator Penguatan SendiriCompoundSoal-SoalIsh = 600V/75Ω = 8A, I = 300000W/600V = 500A, Ia = Ish+I = 8A+500A = 508A ∆Vtotal = ∆V+∆Va = Ia R+Ia Ra = Ia (R+Ra) = 508A(0.03Ω+0.02Ω) = 25.4V emfV = V+∆Vtotal = 600V+20.4V = 625.4V emfP = (emfV)(Ia) = (625.4V)(508A) = 317703.2W 2. Trafo 1ɸ diberikan supply 50 Hz step down 2200 V→250 V dengan luas 36 cm2 dan kerapatn fluks 6 wb/m2, carilah belitan primer dan sekunder. Diketahui: f = 50 Hz E1 = 2200 V E2 = 250 V A = 0.0036 m2 Bm = 6 wb/m2 Ditanya: N1 dan N2 Jawab Φm = (Bm)(A)=(6 wb/m2)(0.0036 m2) = 0.0216 wb E = (4.44)(f)(N)(Φm) = (4.44)(f)(N)(Bm)(A) belitan primer = E1/((4.44)(f)(Φm)) = 2200/((4.44)(50 Hz)(0.0216 wb)) = 458.79 belitan sekunder = E2/((4.44)(f)(Φm)) = 250/((4.44)(50 Hz)(0.0216 wb)) = 52.135 3. Daya trafo 1ɸ adalah 25 KVI, belitan primer adalah 500, belitan sekunder adalah 50, belitan primer dihubungkan dengan tegangan 3000 V dengan frekuensi 50 Hz. Carilah arus beban pada belitan primer dan sekunder, emf sekunder dan fluks maksimal. (abaikan drop voltage) Diketahui P = 25 VI N1 = 500 N2 = 50 E1 = 3000 V f = 50 Hz Ditanya I1, I2, E2 dan Φm Jawab E = (4.44)(f)(N)(Φm) = (4.44)(f)(N)(Bm)(A) Φm = (4.44)(f)(N1)/E1 = (4.44)(50 Hz)(500)/(3000 V) = 37 wb E2/E1 = (4.44)(f)(N2)(Φm)/(4.44)(f)(N1)(Φm) = N2/N1 E2=N2/N1 E1 = 500/50 3000 V = 30000V P=(V)(I) I1 = P/E1 = (25 W)/(3000 V) = 8.3mA I2 = P/E2 = (25 W)/(30000 V) = 0.83mA NoteThis is my undergraduate assignment that I translated to English myself in the Electrical Measurement course where the task is to write an essay on Oscilloscopes. This assignment has never been published anywhere and I, as the author and copyright holder, license this assignment customized CC-BY-SA where anyone can share, copy, republish, and sell on condition to state my name as the author and notify that the original and open version available here. Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 BackgroundHave you ever seen a line drawing that goes up and down, up and down again? Have you ever heard of signals, waves, vibrations, alternating current (AC)? Maybe on television you have seen the form of a signal displayed by news or educational media. Maybe you don't know the measuring instrument that can display the wave image. The measuring instrument is called an oscilloscope. 1.2 Objective
1.3 Scope of Material
Chapter 2 Basic Theory2.1 VibrationThe vibrations can be in the form of up and down, left-right, left side - right side, back and forth. In life we feel vibrations are a continuous back and forth motion, for example earthquakes. 2.2 FrequencyFrequency is defined as the number of vibrations that are carried out every second. The unit of frequency in the International System is hertz, abbreviated as Hz. This name is taken from the last name from the figure of Physics, whose name is Heinrich Hertz. hertz = vibration/second, frequency = vibration/time 2.3 PeriodPeriod is the time it takes to perform 1 vibration. f swing takes 1 second, 2f swing takes 2 seconds, 100f swing takes 100 seconds, f/2 swings take 1/2 second, f/100 swings take 1/100 of a second, f/f=1 swing, takes 1/f second, T = 1/f 2.4 WaveChapter 3 Discussion3.1 What is an oscilloscope?An oscilloscope is an electronic device that can provide an image on the screen (display) of the electrical signal connected to its input. Oscilloscopes usually have an input signal gate and an output signal. Oscilloscopes generally display images in 2 dimensions, the screen is in boxes. There are also 3 dimensions. A wave is converted into electricity, after which it can be read on an oscilloscope. With an oscilloscope it is possible to see the shape of the wave equation of an electrical signal. 3.2 How is the basic circuit of an oscilloscope?3.3 Name the buttons on the Oscilloscope?
3.4 How to basically use it?An explanation for the schematic of the analog oscilloscope working principle:
3.5 How is the application of the oscilloscope?Some of the oscilloscope functions include::
Chapter 4 Closing4.1 ConclusionAn oscilloscope is a device that displays electrical signals in the form of waves. Oscilloscopes are used in various fields. Provided that something can be defined in the form of waves. 4.2 Literature Review
CatatanIni merupakan tugas S1 saya di mata kuliah Pengukuran Listrik dimana tugasnya adalah menulis essai mengenai Osiloskop. Tugas ini tidak pernah dipublikasi dimanapun dan saya sebagai penulis dan pemegang hak cipta melisensi tugas ini customized CC-BY-SA dimana siapa saja boleh membagi, menyalin, mempublikasi ulang, dan menjualnya dengan syarat mencatumkan nama saya sebagai penulis dan memberitahu bahwa versi asli dan terbuka tersedia disini. BAB 1 Pendahuluan1.1 Latar BelakangPernahkah anda melihat bentuk gambar garis yang naik-turun, naik lagi dan turun lagi? Pernahkah anda mendengar mengenai sinyal, gelombang, getaran, arus listrik bolak-balik (Alternating Current (AC))? Mungkin di televisi anda pernah melihat bentuk sinyal yang ditampilkan berita atau media edukasi. Mungkin anda belum mengetahui alat ukur yang dapat menampilkan gambar gelombang tersebut. Alat ukur tersebut disebut Osiloskop. 1.2 Tujuan
1.3 Ruang Lingkup Materi
BAB 2 Dasar Teori2.1 GetaranGetaran dapat berupa naik-turun, kiri-kanan, samping kiri – samping kanan, maju-mundur. Dalam kehidupan yang kita rasakan getaran adalah gerakan bolak-balik terus menerus, contohnya gempa bumi. 2.2 FrekuensiFrekuensi diartikan sebagai banyaknya getaran yang dilakukan setiap detik. Satuan frekuensi dalam SI (Sistem Internasional) adalah hertz, disingkat Hz. Nama ini diambil dari nama belakang tokoh Fisika, yang bernama Heinrich Hertz. hertz = getaran/detik, frekuensi = getaran/waktu 2.3 PeriodePeriode adalah waktu yang diperlukan untuk melakukan 1 getaran. f ayunan membutuhkan waktu 1 detik, 2f ayunan membutuhkan waktu 2 detik, 100f ayunan membutuhkan waktu 100 detik, f/2 ayunan membutuhkan waktu 1/2 detik, f/100 ayunan membutuhkan waktu 1/100 detik, f/f = 1 ayunan, membutuhkan waktu 1/f detik, T = 1/f 2.4 GelombangBAB 3 Pembahasan3.1 Apa itu Osiloskop?Osiloskop merupakan suatu peralatan elektronik yang dapat memberikan gambar pada layarnya (display), dan sinyal listrik yang dihubungkan pada inputnya. Osciloscope biasanya mempunyai gerbang sinyal input dan sinyal output. Osciloscope umumnya menampilkan gambar dalam 2 dimensi, layarnya kotak-kotak, adapun yang 3 dimensi. Suatu gelombang di konversi menjadi listrik, setelah itu dapat dibaca pada osciloscope. Dengan osiloskop memungkinkan untuk melihat bentuk dari persamaan gelombang suatu sinyal listrik. 3.2 Bagaimana rangkaian dasar Osiloskop?3.3 Sebutkan tombol-tombol pada Osiloskop?
3.4 Bagaimana cara menggunakannya (dasar saja)?Penjelasan untuk skema prinsip kerja osiloskop analog:
3.5 Bagaimana applikasi pada Osiloskop?Beberapa fungsi osiloskop antara lain untuk:
BAB 4 Penutup4.1 KesimpulanOsiloskop adalah suatu alat yang menampilkan sinyal listrik dalam bentuk gelombang. Osiloskop digunakan diberbagai bidang. Asalkan sesuatu tersebut dapat didefinisikan dalam bentuk gelombang. 4.2 Kajian Pustaka
NoteThis is my undergraduate assignment in the Electrical Measurement course where the task is to write an essay on Megger or Mega Ohm Meter. This assignment has never been published anywhere and I, as the author and copyright holder, license this assignment customized CC-BY-SA where anyone can share, copy, republish, and sell on condition to state my name as the author and notify that the original and open version available here. Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 BackgroundMaybe you've heard an electrician perform a "Megger". The term "megger" is defined as a measurement or test of electrical insulation. Whereas Megger is a company that provides measuring devices in the field of electricity which is well known in the field of electrical insulation measurements. According to the author, the term someone doing "Megger" is a misnomer. Megger is not a verb, which should not be included in the dictionary. Many people confuse this saying, because the Megger company is so well known. The tools we use are made by the Megger company. The electrical insulation test is sometimes called the Megger Test. 1.2 Objective
1.3 Scope of Material
Chapter 2 Basic TheoryThe contents of this chapter are the same as the previous assignments regarding AVO Meters, except: 2.6 Electrical Insulation In BriefMaterials that are difficult to conduct electric current are called electric insulators. Examples of electrical insulators that are widely known to people are polymer materials, for example rubber. Some say strong electrical insulators are dielectrics. True, the dielectric is a material that can polarize (break up the combined charges). There is another sense that an electrical insulator is one where there is no electricity. The causes of this material being an insulator, among others, the absence of space or the fullness of the atomic nucleus against the electrons, so that the electrons cannot enter, the range of one atom to another is too wide, so that the electrons are difficult to flow (requires large energy), and there may still be other reasons for this. You can study the properties of atoms in chemistry. Why do scientists need to develop electrical insulating materials? The most basic is the safety factor. Touching electricity with a voltage higher than 60V can jeopardize safety. This can happen intentionally or accidentally. Therefore, the copper cable in every house to carry the electric current must be covered with a polymer material, usually rubber so that it is not dangerous. In ancient times paper and textiles were used instead of rubber. Refrigerator, TV, Computer, Laptop, Mouse, Keyboard, Rise Cooker, light button, Telephone, Hand Phone, Charger and all electronic items we hold use electrical insulation so that we can touch, otherwise we will be electrocuted. The keyboard buttons on our computers use insulation in the form of mica, now it has switched to rubber. Electrical insulation problems are a major cause of fires. If the two wires on the power pole touch, a short circuit can occur because the voltage is too large, after which it can cause fires and other harmful things. Therefore they must be isolated. Chapter 3 Discussion3.1 What and how is the insulation tested or why do many people often call it the Megger test?The megger test in question is a test using a megometer (mega ohm meter). This test is a test of insulation (electrical insulation) of an object. The tool that is often used is the tool owned by the Megger company, that's why people often mention Megger Test. This test is done by applying tension to an object. The test will be seen by looking for the leakage current. We recommend that you use low voltage first to be careful, so as not to damage the material. If the applied voltage is higher than the object can accept, its insulation properties can be damaged. How to Use:
To test the smoothness of the electrical fault in a conductor:
3.2 How is the history of the founding of Megger?3.3 What is Megger's main tool and how?3.4 How is the Megger company today?Megger's products have been used all over the world. Products have been uploaded to the web and are constantly growing. Not only providing products but also providing training in the field of electricity, especially electrical measurement, providing manuals/books on how to measure electricity and others. Megger production is now in Dallas, Texas; Valley Forge, Pennsylvania and Dover, England. Offices have spread all over the world, in the U.S, Cananda, Mexico City, Mexico; Dover, England; Paris, France; Mumbai, India, and Bahrain. There are hundreds of sellers/distributors of products, manuals in multiple languages, software with multilingual displays and Megger workers who can work with consumers around the world. 3.5 Are current Megger devices still only within the limits of electrical insulation measurements?Chapter 4 Closing4.1 ConclusionElectrical insulation measurements really need to be known by every electrician. Megger (Megaohm Meter) is a tool that is often used. Megger has now grown into a company that offers a wide variety of electrical measuring instruments. 4.2 Literature Review
CatatanIni merupakan tugas S1 saya di mata kuliah Pengukuran Listrik dimana tugasnya adalah menulis essai mengenai Megger atau Mega Ohm Meter. Tugas ini tidak pernah dipublikasi dimanapun dan saya sebagai penulis dan pemegang hak cipta melisensi tugas ini customized CC-BY-SA dimana siapa saja boleh membagi, menyalin, mempublikasi ulang, dan menjualnya dengan syarat mencatumkan nama saya sebagai penulis dan memberitahu bahwa versi asli dan terbuka tersedia disini. BAB 1 Pendahuluan1.1 Latar BelakangMungkin anda pernah mendengar seorang teknisi listrik melakukan “Megger”. Istilah “Megger” yang dimaksud adalah pengukuran atau pengujian isolasi listrik. Padahal Megger adalah suatu perusahaan yang menyediakan alat pengukur dalam bidang listrik yang terkenal dalam bidang pengukuran isolasi listrik. Menurut penulis istilah seseorang melakukan “Megger” adalah ucapan yang keliru. Megger bukanlah suatu kata kerja, yang seharusnya tidak dimasukkan dalam kamus bahasa. Banyak orang keliru dengan ucapan ini, karena perusahaan Megger begitu terkenal. Alat-alat yang kita gunakan dibuat oleh perusahaan Megger. Pengetesan isolasi listrik terkadang disebut Megger Test. 1.2 Tujuan
1.3 Ruang Lingkup Materi
BAB 2 Dasar TeoriIsi BAB ini sama seperti tugas sebelumnya mengenai AVO Meter, kecuali: 2.6 Isolasi Listrik Secara SingkatBahan yang susah untuk mengalirkan arus listrik disebut isolator listrik. Contoh isolator listrik yang banyak dikenal orang adalah bahan polimer, contohnya karet. Ada yang mengatakan isolator listrik yang kuat adalah dielektrik. Benar, dielektrik adalah suatu bahan yang dapat melakukan polarisasi (memecah gabungan muatan). Ada pengertian lain bahwa isolator listrik adalah dimana tidak adanya listrik. Penyebab bahan tersebut menjadi isolator antara lain tidak adanya tempat atau penuhnya inti atom terhadap elektron, sehingga elektron tidak dapat masuk, rentang suatu atom terhadap yang lain terlalu lebar, sehingga elektron susah untuk mengalir (perlu energi besar), dan mungkin masih ada alasan hal-hal lain. Dapat dipelajari sifat-sifat atom pada kimia. Mengapa ilmuwan perlu mengembangkan bahan isolasi listrik, padahal udara sendiri merupakan isolator listrik yang kuat? Jika udara merupakan suatu konduktor maka listrik pasti akan merambat ke segala arah seperti listrik dialirkan pada air. Yang paling mendasar adalah faktor keamanan. Bila kita menyentuh listrik yang tegangannya lebih tinggi dari 60V dapat membahayakan keselamatan. Hal ini bisa terjadi secara sengaja maupun tidak sengaja. Oleh karena itu kabel tembaga di setiap rumah untuk mengalirkan arus listrik harus diselimuti oleh bahan polimer, biasanya karet agar tidak membahayakan. Zaman dahulu digunakan kertas dan tekstil daripada karet. Kulkas, TV, Komputer, Laptop, Mouse, Keyboard, Rise Cooker, tombol lampu, Telepon, Hand Phone, Charger dan semua barang elektronik yang kita pegang menggunakan bahan isolasi listrik agar dapat kita sentuh, jika tidak, kita akan kesetrum. Tombol-tombol keyboard pada komputer kita menggunakan isolasi berupa mika, sekarang sudah beralih ke karet. Masalah isolasi listrik adalah penyebab utama terjadinya kebakaran. Jika kedua kabel pada tiang listrik bersentuhan, dapat terjadi konslet karena tegangan yang terlalu besar, setelah itu dapat menyebabkan kebakaran dan hal lain yang merugikan. Oleh karena itu mereka harus diisolasikan. BAB 3 Pembahasan3.1 Apakah dan bagaimana pengetesan insulasi (isolasi listrik) atau banyak orang sering menyebut Megger test?Megger test yang dimaksud adalah pengetesan menggunakan megometer (mega ohm meter). Test ini adalah test insulasi (isolasi listrik) terhadap suatu benda. Alat yang sering digunakan adalah alat milik perusahaan Megger, oleh sebab itu sering orang-orang menyebutkan Megger Test. Pengetesan ini dilakukan dengan cara memberikan tegangan terhadap suatu benda. Pengujian akan dilihat dengan cara mencari adanya arus yang bocor. Sebaiknya menggunakan tegangan rendah dulu untuk hati-hati, agar tidak merusak bahan tersebut. Jika tegangan yang diberikan terlalu tinggi dari yang dapat diterima benda maka sifat insulasinya bisa rusak. Cara Menggunakan:
Untuk menguji kelancaran listrik, gangguan pada konduktor:
3.2 Bagaimana sejarahnya berdirinya Megger?3.3 Apa alat pokok atau alat utama Megger dan bagaimana?3.4 Bagaimana perusahaan Megger di zaman sekarang?Produk milik Megger telah digunakan diseluruh belahan dunia. Produknya telah di upload di web dan terus berkembang. Tidak hanya menyediakan produk tetapi juga menyediakan pelatihan dalam bidang listrik khususnya pengukuran listrik, menyediakan manual/buku cara mengukur listrik dan lain-lainnya. Produksi Megger sekarang di Dallas, Texas; Valley Forge, Pennsylvania and Dover, England. Kantor telah tersebar di berbagai belahan dunia, di U.S, Cananda, Mexico City, Mexico; Dover, England; Paris, France; Mumbai, India, and Bahrain. Adapun ratusan penjual/penyebar produk, manual dalam 7 bahasa, software dengan multilingual display dan pekerja Megger yang dapat bekerja sama dengan konsumen di seluruh dunia. 3.5 Apakah alat-alat Megger sekarang, masih hanya dalam batasan pengukuran isolasi listrik?BAB 4 Penutup4.1 KesimpulanPengukuran insulasi listrik memang perlu diketahui setiap teknisi listrik. Megger (Megaohm Meter) adalah alat yang sering digunakan. Megger sekarang telah berkembang menjadi perusahaan yang manwarkan berbagai ragam alat pengukuran listrik. 4.2 Kajian Pustaka
The applications maybe available on PC.If you are lucky, the applications are available on PC. Back then, my friends invited me to play Brave Frontier Global and I only owned Galaxy Tab 2 GT-P3100 which was very slow at playing the game. Then, I checked the game was available on Windows Microsoft Store and I overjoyed that I was able to play on PC with a faster speed then any other Android device out there. Android EmulatorIf the applications are not available on PC or any other consoles you have, then you really have to use an Android system. For example, Supercells games Clash of Clans and Clash Royale. There are various Android emulators out there, but the following emulators are the ones that I have tried. Leave a comment if you know about other Android Emulators. Bluestacks WindowsBluestacks runs smooth, fast, and all is well when playing almost any Android games. Since it is currently exclusive to Windows, I do not need to explain much where like any other Windows software, download from their website and install. You can navigate everything easily yourself. What I can offer in this article are only mentioning that there is Bluestacks and few videos you can skim through to see how the performance is on my laptop. Genymotion LinuxAs much as it went well on Bluestacks, unfortunately it is now available on Linux. I needed to find another, and the most popular one is Genymotion. This one needs an article because it is not like Windows where we only download and double click. Therefore, here are my following steps for installation based on my above video:
You may have no problem if you are using general Debian based Linux such as Ubuntu but for example in my case, I used Kali Linux, and frequently I had sound problems and lagging. The problem is either because of Genymotion or VirtualBox and I tried different devices and still it did not work. Android Operating SystemIf you cannot buy Windows and Android Emulators does not run well on your Linux, then your last option is installing Android Operating System (OS) on your PC. I did not follow the development of Android (OS) on PC but the last one I tried and worked well is Remix OS. Today Remix OS is discontinued and was proceed by other communities for example Phoenix OS which is better that there is a Windows installer and if you do not have Windows, you can download the .iso file and create a bootable usb installer using Etcher or other bootable driver creator. The installation step is almost the same as installing Ubuntu. Remix OS Virtual MachineIf you are curious or just not sure whether the installation will mess your system or not, you can try on a virtual machine first. If you just want to see of what is inside Remix OS, you can just download the pre-installed virtual machine image and import. I used VirtualBox here where you can install using "sudo apt install virtualbox" or download from its website. If you want to try the installation:
Remix OS on Physical Hard DriveAndroid Emulator and Virtual Box did not work well for me and the option I have left is installing an Android OS on my physical drive. You can always do the Ubuntu way where you create a bootable USB drive and install from there with maybe the following difference:
Another way is to install on existing Linux partition:
menuentry 'Remix OS' --class android-x86 { insmod part_gpt search --file --no-floppy --set=root /remix/system.img linux /remix/kernel root=/dev/ram0 androidboot.hardware=remix_x86_64 androidboot.selinux=permissive CMDLINE SERIAL=random initrd /remix/initrd.img } If you are lazy like me in creating a bootable drive like on my above video, you can continue from the above step not for running Remix OS but for running the Remix OS installer and make sure you have an empty partition ready:
menuentry 'Remix OS' --class android-x86 { insmod part_gpt insmod gzio insmod part_msdos insmod ext2 set root='(hd0,msdos6)' search --file --no-floppy --set=root /RemixOS/system linux /RemixOS/kernel root=/dev/ram0 androidboot.hardware=remix_x86_64 androidboot.selinux=permissive SRC=/RemixOS CMDLINE SERIAL=random initrd /RemixOS/initrd.img } Finally, I can play Clash Royale and Brave Frontier on my PC smoothly which was slow when using Genymotion Linux Emulator or VirtualBox. I can even play both game simultaneously. Brave Frontier have auto battle feature. 1. Penyortiran2. Peniti3. Kategorisasi Pemberitahuan4. Pengurutan dan Preferensi Tanda Pagar5. Pengingat Tanda Pagar WajibLain-lain1. Sorting2. Pin3. Notification Categorization4. Sort and Hashtag Preference5. Must Hashtag ReminderOthersNoteThis is my undergraduate assignment that I translated to English myself in the Electrical Measurement course where the task is to write an essay on AVO Meters. This assignment has never been published anywhere and I, as the author and copyright holder, license this assignment customized CC-BY-SA where anyone can share, copy, republish, and sell on condition to state my name as the author and notify that the original and open version available here. Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 BackgroundIn this day and age (2011), the name AVO meter is familiar. Almost all households have an AVO meter. Now every household cannot be separated from the use of electricity. In this modern era, almost all activities require electric power. Pumping water with an electric pump, cooling food and preserving it using the refrigerator, watching television, moreover at night you have to turn on the lights, all of that needs electricity. If there are problems with power tools, first look at the damage visually. If it doesn't work, then you need an electricity measurement using an AVO meter. Not necessarily everyone can use the AVO meter, maybe in a household, mostly only 1 person can use it and know what it is. Few also know how it works (only those who specifically learn about electricity). 1.2 ObjectiveThe purpose of writing this paper is to explain to ordinary people about AVO meters and how to use them. 1.3 Scope of Material
Chapter 2 Basic Theory2.1 AVO MeterAVO stands for Ampere Volt Ohm. The meter here can be defined as a measuring instrument. AVO meter is a tool that can measure current (amperes), voltage (volts), resistance (ohms). 2.2 Charge (Coulumb)In this world, there are 2 charges, namely positive and negative charges. There is also a neutral charge, where the molecule has the same positive and negative power. If the load is like (++, --) will reject reject. When the charges are different (+ -) will be of attraction. The force that occurs between charges is called the coulomb force. Electricity can be generated by flowing charges. Take the salt bridge, for example. The electrons flowing into the protons are called electric currents. 2.3 Current (Ampere)Current is defined as charge flowing in units of time. I = dq/dt, dq = q2 - q1, dt = t2 - t1 I = Current (ampere) q = Charge (coulomb) t = Time (second) To make it easy to understand the formula above, it can be said that the amount of coulomb that flows every second. The person who contributed to the discovery of currents was a mathematician and physicist from France, namely André-Marie Ampère. 2.4 Voltage (Volt)The voltage in electricity can be said to be the amount of energy carried by each charge. V = dw/dq V = voltage (volt) W = enegy (joule) q = charge (coulomb) For easy understanding this formula can be said of the energy contained per 1 coulumb. The name of the volt comes from the Italian physicist Count Alessandro Giuseppe Antonio Anastasio Volta. 2.5 Resistansi (Ohm)German physicist George Simon Ohm found that the voltage applied to an object is directly proportional to the current flowing. Each object has a different resistance. For example, for the first object, if given 2V it will flow 1A, if given 4V it will flow 2A. The first object has a resistance of 2Ω. For the second object if given 4V will flow 5A, if given 8V will flow 10A. The second object has a resistance of 4/5Ω. V=IR, I=V/R, R=V/I V = voltage (volt) I = current (ampere) R = resistance (ohm) Resistance is an electrical resistance which can be said to be the amount of voltage required to flow a current. 2.6 AC and DC voltageDC stands for direct current which means a straight flowing current. AC stands for alternating current, which means the current that flows up and down following a sine wave. Chapter 3 Discussion3.1 Question
3.2 Answer
3. The arrangement of the galvanometer is as follows: 4. Galvanometer works by entering electricity into it. After the electricity flows, it will produce a magnetic field that attracts the wire and attracts the spiral spring as well. So that the needle will rotate, and the spring will return it to normal condition after usage.
Ammeter works on the principle of water flow. For the ohmmeter the voltage will be given to the object to be measured its resistance. By applying stress, the resistance will be seen. 5. This section is taken from Putu Rusdi Ariawan's paper on AVO meters, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University. How to measure DC Voltage
Measure AC Voltage
How to Measure DC CurrentThe way to measure current is somewhat different from measuring voltage, where the circuit for measuring current is installed in series with the load. Loads can be resistors, lamps or others.
Measuring ResistanceThe point of measuring resistance is to determine the condition of a component in a damaged or good state, and to determine how much the value of resistance is. Suppose a resistor has a color code: brown, black, red and gold tolerance means that the resistor has a resistance value of 1000 ohms with a tolerance of 5%, meaning that the resistor is still good if after measuring the value it is still between +/- 5% of 1000 ohms, or between 950 to 1050 ohms. How to measure it as follows:
Chapter 4 Closing4.1 ConclusionAVO meter is a combination of ammeter (ammeter), voltmeter, ohmmeter made into 1 tool. Tools that have varied functions, namely measuring current, voltage and resistance, are often termed a multitester. In fact, the author wants to explain in detail about the AVO meter. The real writer has the aim of explaining the definition, how to use it, how it works, so that the reader can make the AVO meter itself. By understanding how to make it the reader can repair it if it is damaged. However, it is unfortunate that limited time and knowledge prevent the writer from achieving this goal. Hopefully this assignment is useful for all who read and apologize if there are errors. In the end let me say thank you. 4.2 Literature Review
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